The Mitzvah Magic Capital Project is underway from now until the end of the Fiscal Year on June 30th. Please click the link or the image to get more information and help Congregation Kol Ami with important building repairs and keeping our religious home operating the best it can!
Only a few days left to order your Purim Baskets. All orders must be in no later than March 10th. You can place your orders by emailing them to Sarah Muniz. Please be sure to include all of the information on the form picture to the right of this text.

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- Shabbat ServiceJoin us for services at 7:30 PM tonight. Our soloist will be Kevin Holmes and the davar is “Remember what Amalek Did” – a metaphor for Honesty in Business and Government? Torah ‘n’ Tefilah is 10:00 AM Saturday morning. Religious school is out the next two weeks for Spring Break. Shabbat Shalom!
- Mitzvah Magic Capital ProjectFrom Stephen Ducar, CKA Board President: Welcome to our Mitzvah Magic for Kol Ami Capital Project! If you remember, during my speech for Rosh Hashanah, I mentioned we need help with improving our building. We need your assistance in getting some of these projects completed. This project includes replacing our air conditioners, roof, and thread…
- Office ClosedThe CKA physical office will be closed on Friday, February 28th and Monday, March 3rd. Bob will still be monitoring phones and email on those days. The office will reopen as normal on Tuesday, March 4th. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Bob in the office by email or call 972-539-1938.
- Shabbat Service – February 21, 202524 Shevat 5785 Services begin tonight at 7:30 PM. Our cantorial soloist is Nicki Cohen and the davar is The Travesty of the Bibas Family and the “Garments of Torah”. Torah ‘n’ Tefilah starts at 10:00 AM Saturday morning. Shabbat Shalom!
- Shabbat Service – February 14, 202517 Shevat 5785 Please join us this evening at 7:30 PM for services. Our soloist is Kevin Homes and the davar tonight is Enlighten Our Eyes: AI, DIP, and the Jewish Ability to Discern. Torah ‘n’ Tefilah will be 10:00 AM Saturday. There is no religious school this weekend. Shabbat Shalom!
- Thank You from Tikkun OlamThank you for donating to our annual sock and underwear drive! Together, we successfully collected and donated two large bags of winter socks and underwear to those in our community who need them most. Many of these donations arrived just in time for the winter storm and were greatly appreciated! Additionally, our friends at Timber…