When a Loved One Dies
After calling your family, a telephone call to Rabbi Dennis at 972-539-1938 (please use the emergency option if it is after office hours) will alert us to your needs when there is a death. The funeral home of your choice should also be contacted. We have two we most frequently work with:
Dallas Jewish Funerals – Dallas’ only Jewish owned and operated funeral home. They have a location here and in Houston specializing in Jewish funerals. 972-424-1141
Flower Mound Funeral Home – a local Denton County funeral home familiar with Jewish burial. 972-691-2802.
These funeral homes also handle cremations, transfer of bodies, and other specialized needs.

If you are in need of a plot, Congregation Kol Ami does have its own Jewish cemetery, Gan HaDorot (Garden of the Generations). For more information or questions, please contact the congregation Office Manager at 972-539-1938 or office@kolami-tx.org.
We suggest that a member of your family or a close friend be immediately notified to stay and aid you at this time. They can assist with getting you answers to your questions and making some of the arrangements. If you need additional assistance, a member of the congregation can be contacted by the clergy.
The funeral home can make the preparations in connection with the burial. The funeral home will have the body brought to its facility where it can make all the necessary arrangements and prepare for burial. It is up to the family to express preference in regard to carrying out particular Jewish traditions, but the Rabbi is ready to consult with you.
¹ Please note: Pricing information is subject to change at the operator’s discretion. This information is provided only as a point of reference. All pricing information was provided by the funeral home themselves.