Tikkun Olam
Congregation Kol Ami is always active with Tikkun Olam and the community. We not only have many on-going drives every year but also host special community drives and events around the holidays and various times a year.
Our current VP of Tikkun Olam is Brandi Hunter. You can reach her at tikkunolam@kolami-tx.org if you have questions, ideas, or would just like to assist with our future efforts.
Ongoing Donation Drives

We collect many things all year round. Check out our new donation center by the water fountains!
Winter Gear (Socks, Gloves, Hats, Scarves, Coats) for Monsignor King Shelter for the Homeless. As the cold weather approaches, these become more and more important. Bring them in any time you are clearing out your closet, or when you go pick up socks for yourself – buy a second set for someone else!

Non-religious Children’s Books for Denton County Friends of the Family. One of the many awesome things that Friends of the Family does happens through the childcare at their outreach center. Every time a child comes in to the childcare, while their parent is consulting with the wonderful people at Friends of the Family, they can take home a book. Friends of the Family needs non-religious children’s books to stock their free-to-the-kids library.
Toiletries – full and travel size –for Denton County Friends of the Family and Jewish Family Services. Both Friends of the Family and Jewish Family Services (where we take the food from our High Holy Day drive) have asked us for toiletries. They say they can use both the mini travel size and full sized containers. So bring in all those toiletries you bring home from the hotels and put them in our box!
Plastic Grocery Bags for Denton Community Food Center. The food bank in Denton has asked for plastic grocery bags for people to use when shopping. We all have these, so let’s put them to good use!
Feminine Hygiene Products. There are many places where lack of pads or other feminine hygiene products keeps girls out of school for as much as 25% of their time. We are in the process of finding a place to donate these to help with this very important problem.