All CKA teens encouraged to register for NFTY-TOR Winter Conclave before the DEADLINE THIS FRIDAY, Jan. 12! CKA congregants are needed to be HOST FAMILIES for our awesome teens the weekend of Jan. 26-28, 2018! Click on to sign up.
All 8th-12th grade teens come experience the weekend’s theme of L’chaim: Celebration of Liberation and find out what that means for YOU! We will have fun led by our fantastic teen committee during our Choice Style Worship Services featuring Jewmba (Jewish-flaired Zumba), a musical jam session with Dan Lee, and a deep dive discussion into the meaning of Exodus: What happens once we cross the Sea of Reeds and suddenly got everything we ever wanted – liberation? Find out during our Social Justice program on Finding Freedom and our Bar Mitzvah-themed Social feat. Special Guest “Drake”!
First-time participants and 8th graders receive a $20 discount! Register NOW at
We still need 10 wonderful CKA families to Host our teens during the weekend, you do not need to currently have teens in our youth programs – young families & empty nesters welcome! You will enhance this experience for them and you more than you know!