Shabbat Shalom – See You at Services! May 25, 2018 Shabbat Services
Shabbat shalom! Our davar tonight: “Have a blessed day!” Ancient and Modern Reflections on Invoking God in Public. Services begin at 7:30PM.
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Shabbat shalom! Service is at 7:30PM. Our davar Tonight: Every Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with the First Step.
May 31, 2019 In "Shabbat Services"
Shabbat shalom! Our Davar this week - The Onenesss: Prog Rock, the Sh'ma, and the Art of Listening.
July 27, 2018 In "Shabbat Services"
Shabbat shalom! Our Davar tonight - Drawing Too Close to Adonai? What does it mean when people die while at worship. THE AMAZING SUSAN COLIN IS OUR GUEST SOLOIST TONIGHT!
April 26, 2019 In "Shabbat Services"