Did you know?
Did you know in our constant effort to improve the office’s service level to you that we’ve updated payments through the website? By simply selecting ‘Donations/Payments‘ from the menu at the top of every page, you can make donations or payments.
You will always find the ‘General Donations‘ option to make general donations including yahrzeit and Tree of Life plaques. The ‘Member Payments‘ option is also permanent and where you can make online Religious School, membership, and B’nai Mitzvah payments.
When special fundraising events occur like the current Burn the Mortgage campaign, we’ll include temporary links for those as well.
You can still make payments the “old-fashioned way” by calling the office with a credit card or mailing in a check. We just want to provide you with the most convenient options depending on your preference.
Please let the office know if you have any questions about online payments. We’ve done our best to make the process as simple as possible but can help to resolve any issues.