• Gan HaDorot

Funeral Pre-Planning Seminar

Dallas Jewish Funerals

Dallas Jewish Funerals will be joining us on Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 11:30 AM. With the Garden of the Generations now a reality, we are receiving lots of funeral planning questions in the office. They are going to try and help us answer many of those queries.

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about your options and answer many of your questions. Topics to be covered include:

  • Dallas Jewish Funerals and what they offer that is specific to Jewish funerals i.e. a private Tahara room and working with the Chevra Kadisha.
  • Pre-planning traditional Jewish funerals
  • Having a service at your synagogue or graveside, so why do I need a funeral home?
  • VA benefits, what the government provides to the veteran and the spouse
  • 25 documents you need before you die
  • Learn what happens if you pass away while you are traveling
  • Why life insurance should not be used for purchasing cemetery/funeral needs

Please contact Bob in the office at 972-539-1938 or office@kolami-tx.org with any questions about the event.

Thanks to Dallas Jewish Funerals for sponsoring this and taking the time to come out and help us all become better educated about funerals and our options.

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