We just wanted to take a minute to say “Thanks” to everyone involved in our Chanukah Drive-In movies on Saturday night. We are so proud of how well it went and needed to be sure to thank all the NoTTY (North Texas Temple Youth) members for their assistance.
Adam, Annabelle, Ben, Esther, Naomi, and Rachel (Rebecca even dropped in from college) worked hard with the adults to ensure that we had plenty of latkes, hotkes, and other treats rushed out to the cars on demand. The were the best carhops ever! Several of them also helped us to cook and prepare everything earlier in the day. No surprise to any of us, but our CKA youth are amazing!
Another special thanks to Dallas Jewish Funerals for providing the goodie bags and popcorn!
We hope you enjoy these few photos from the event. We felt it was a huge success and are already talking about what we can do in the future. Chanukah Sameach!
Making Latkes! The Latke Prep Vets We caught the Taste Testers sampling the latkes. Lighting the Hanukkiah before the movies Lined up and ready to watch! The NoTTY (North Texas Temple Youth) carhops are making deliveries before the movie starts. The show has started! Now this is the way to enjoy a drive-in movie!