• Learning Never Ends

Adult Hebrew – 2nd Session – Aleph Isn’t Enough

Adult Hebrew Class

Learning the Hebrew aleph-bet and how to read wasn’t tough at all.  But that wasn’t enough, was it?  What does it all mean?  What am I even saying while I recite from memory?  What does “anu” at the end of so many words mean? And all those “v’yit” this and “v’yit” that.  Well, Aleph Isn’t Enough will start to make that all clear to you.  

Beginning on February 2nd, classes will be every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM via Zoom.  There are 12 sessions and the class runs through April 20th.  There will not be a fee for this class, but you will be responsible for purchasing your own book.  If you sign up, Mollie will provide you with the details to purchase the materials.

The only prerequisite for this class is that you can read Hebrew minimally.  This is the follow up session to the initial Adult Hebrew Class, Aleph Isn’t Tough.

You can sign up using this link or contact the instructor, Mollie Marks, at mcmarks2@verizon.net or 972-951-3033

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