Join the largest weekly book club for Jews all over the world! Kol Ami now has a Daf Yomi Group, studying together a page of Talmud a week. This online group will be led by congregant, Neil Ettington.

Everything Jewish will be discussed and covered. Topics within the Gemara include but are not limited to: Halacha (Jewish law), history, philosophy, ethics, theology and even more esoteric topics such as magic and demonology. Talmud study as a whole is an excellent critical thinking exercise which can best be summarised with the phrase, “Two Jews, Three opinions.”
This is an informal online-only study and discussion group Monday nights at 7:00 pm. We will all go over the weekly portion together which can be best accessed within the learning schedules on the Sefaria app on your phone or through the Sefaria website.
Please use this link to join the group on Mondays at 7:00 PM. There will be 12 sessions initially. If there is enough interest, Neil may choose to extend the group for a longer period of time. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the office or to Neil directly.