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Hosting an Oneg for Fiscal Year 2023-24

Beginning in July of 2023, Congregation Kol Ami is changing our oneg process. Starting with the oneg on July 7, 2023, families will be able to pick a date or dates where they would like to host. You will be able to sign up yourself. You may host and provide food directly, or you can sponsor an oneg with a minimum donation of $40.

Member Tools - Host an Oneg

If you are unable to host directly and opt to sponsor an oneg, the officer for the evening will provide the supplies. If for some reason, we have no hosts or sponsors for a Friday night, we will simply have challah and wine in lieu of a full oneg.

Please help us to provide this mitzvah for our congregants each Friday night and sign up now. You can use this link to sign up or please look under the Member Tools menu on the website to find the link at any time.

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