Add a Yahrzeit

Yahrzeit Candle

Do you need to add a yahrzeit to your list? Please use the form below, and we’ll get it added as quickly as possible. If the passing within the last 30 days and you would also like to add the name to shiva/shloshim lists, please use the Notify of a Passing form. (You can click on the name to go there directly.)

If you would like to check all your yahrzeit entries, you can do so using the Member Portal. If you haven’t requested access to the Member Portal yet, you can do so using this link. (Please Note: You must request access first in order to setup your login.)

Please use one of the names associated with your membership.
Please specify the relationship of the deceased to your and/or your family member(s).
Be sure to check and update this if necessary whenever you are correcting the date of death.
Please specify which calendar you would like to use for observance and notifications.