Holiday Related Announcements
We found a couple of wonderful resources to share with you this Tu B’Shvat. First, let BimBam and Shaboom help you and our kids with…
Mayim Bialik, one of the stars of The Big Bang Theory and fellow Jew, has created a great hanukkah quiz video. It is lots of fun,…
Message from Carey Roberts, VP of Education: Hanukkah is coming!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and enjoyed time with family and friends.…
Please bring to the synagogue empty and washed 2-litre COCA-COLA ONLY bottles during the month of November. Deb Kaufman will be recreating the centerpieces for…
Congregation Kol Ami wants to wish everyone joy, peace, and happiness as you celebrate Sukkot. May your holiday be filled with love, family, and friends!…
Congregation Kol Ami wishes you and your family an easy fast as we reach the end of he Days of Awe. May you all be…
This year a new addition to our Yizkor service (6PM, Saturday) will be a table with yahrzeit candles in the foyer of the synagogue. Attendees…
The Sisterhood is sponsoring a Break the Fast immediately following Yom Kippur Neilah service. If you would like to attend, please bring a portion that…
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are gearing up but don’t forget that Sukkot is also part of High Holy Days. Truly celebrate the holidays by…