Holiday Related Announcements
Believe it or not, the High Holy Days are coming up again and CKA needs your voices for the High Holy Day choir! We are looking…
Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16, 2022 In observance of Pesach and to allow everyone to be with their friends and families for first…
April 16, 2022 – 6:00 PM Please join us for Congregation Kol Ami’s Community Seder. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm at CKA. Sisterhood…
Sisterhood members please join us with your plus one for a night of Vodka and Latkes and fun! Sunday, November 14th, at CKA we will…
We have a few requests to have the High Holy Days videos from this year posted for (re)viewing, I apologize for the delay in getting…
This coming Tuesday evening, September 28, we are gathering to read the end AND beginning of the Torah, so that there will never be an…
We’ve had several questions about ways to read along with the services from our online viewers. Below we’ve listed three different options. The Flipbook is…
Sisterhood would like to invite the whole congregation to their Annual CKA Potluck Sukkot Dinner outside under the Sukkah at CKA on Sunday, September 19th…