Kol Ami Junior Youth (KAJY) is the group for our middle school age children.
Annual Dues are $36. This covers the annual expenses such as refreshments, supplies, and other needed items for the KAJY events throughout the Religious School year. Some outside events may incur additional charges. You can pay your dues online after completing this form, or you can mail a check to the CKA office. Please make checks payable to “Congregation Kol Ami”.
Please Note:You must download, sign and return the B’rit K’hilah and Medical Release and Insurance form before you will be allowed to fully participate. You may email a scanned copy to youthdirector@kolami-tx.org or mail it to the office with attention to Matt Osterman.
Congregation Kol Ami – 1887 Timber Creek Rd. – Flower Mound, Texas – 75028