6th Grade Mitzvah Project

CKA’s 6th grade Sunday School class is doing a mitzvah project and we need your help. We are putting together a few excellent enrichment toys that are PURR-fectly TAILwagging for animals in the SPCA shelter, all with items you’re likely to find in your own home (plus a few treats, of course!) These are fabulous because they encourage dogs and cats to use their noses and paws to have both physical and scent enrichment opportunities. We know the animals at the SPCA of Texas will love them. We will be collecting the following items between now and Sunday, May 7th. Any donations will be appreciated. Just drop them off in the 6th grade classroom.


Donation items:
*Cardboard boxes that soft drinks come in
*Cardboard cereal, or cracker boxes
*Toilet paper rolls
*Paper towel rolls
*Paper bags
*Packaging paper
*Pup-peroni snacks
*Milk bones treats
*Marrow bone treats
*Cat treats

Again, the deadline is Sunday, May 7th. Thanks for your help!