✡️ Yom HaShoah
Holocaust Memorial Day
🌒 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar
Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. אִיָיר (transliterated Iyyar or Iyar) is the 2nd month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days,…
🕯️ Candle lighting
Flower MoundParashat Tazria-Metzora
🌒 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar
Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. אִיָיר (transliterated Iyyar or Iyar) is the 2nd month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days,…
✨ Havdalah
Flower Mound🇮🇱 Yom HaZikaron
Israeli Memorial Day. Remembers those who died in the War of Independence and other wars in Israel. The full name of the holiday is Yom…
🇮🇱 Yom HaAtzma’ut
Israeli Independence Day. Commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948. Although Yom HaAtzma'ut is normally observed on the 5th of Iyyar, it may…
🕯️ Candle lighting
Flower MoundParashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim
✨ Havdalah
Flower Mound✡️ Pesach Sheni
Second Passover, one month after Passover